
(BBL) Hair Reduction

What is BBL and how does it work for Hair Reduction?

BroadBand Light or BBL is a corrective phototherapy treatment that uses BroadBand Light to target skin concerns including hair reduction. BBL is an innovating module created by Sciton with a broader range of wavelengths to allow targeted treatment for many skin conditions and skin types.

The varying wavelengths of BBL include:

  • 420: Acne
  • 515: Pigmented Lesions
  • 560: Vascular Lesions
  • 590: Deeper Lesions, Darker Skin Types, Hair Removal
  • 640: Hair Removal
  • 695: Hair Removal

SkinTyte: is an attachment that uses infrared light energy to deeply heat dermal collagen leading to renewed collagen foundations for skin firming.

How does BBL Hair Reduction works?

BBL produces a beam of highly concentrated light. The varying wavelengths means that the target tissue is selectively absorbs the light with minimal effect on the surrounding tissue. The absorption produces heat within the target tissue of hair pigment which results localized destruction of the undesirable target. The body then absorbs the damaged tissue allowing for reduction and distortion of hair stimulation.

BBL is inbuilt with a sapphire crystal embedded with sensors to continually and precisely maintain temperatures within the hand-piece to ensure comfort throughout the procedure. We do understand some aesthetic treatments are more uncomfortable than others, please speak to your Skinfluencer regarding pain relieving options.

What is the difference between BBL Hair Reduction?

BBL Hair Reduction provides a treatment which is safe, fast, efficacious and comfortable. The BBL motion provides even heating of the hair follicles and minimizes skipped or missed areas that occur with traditional hair reduction devices.

The treatment size of the BBL device is relatively large and provides a high repetition rate which allows for faster treatments. The energy produced by the BBL is in multiple bursts rather than all at once which keeps the skin protected and safe. BBL Hair Reduction can be performed up to Skin Type V.

What is involved in a BBL Hair Reduction treatment?

Following a consultation with one of our Skinfluencers to determine your suitability to treatment a BBL treatment can be scheduled. Prior to your appointment at Skinfluence Clinic for a BBL treatment we request that no makeup be worn in the treatment area, this includes mascara, eyebrow pencil and lip sticks. Moisturisers and sunscreens can be applied the morning of treatment.

There are also a few pre-treatment instructions to adhere to ensure optimal results, these include:

  • Avoid plucking or waxing for 6 weeks prior to treatment
  • Treatment area is to be shaved the day of treatment
  • Sun tanning and fake tanning has to be avoided for 6 weeks prior to treatment
  • Active cold sores requires an appointment to be rescheduled.

How often should I get a BBL Hair Reduction treatment done?

Initially treatments will be performed every 6-8 weeks depending on treatment area, however as hair reduction is noted, treatment frequency will be reduced.

On average 3-8 treatments are required and this is dependant on the hair location to be treated.

How do I look after my skin following BBL Hair Reduction Treatment?

  • 24 hours: avoid excessive exercise, hot showers or sauna use. Strict sun protection is encouraged
  • 2-5 days: avoid application of anti-acne skin cares, topical vitamin A (retinols), anti-pigmentation preparations.
  • 4-6 weeks: avoid the use of exfoliating products (AHA, BHA ingredients, scrubs), waxing, plucking or depilatory use. IPL or laser hair treatment or skin rejuvenation should also be avoided, speak to your Skinfluencer about when procedures can recommence. Excessive sun exposure should be continued to be avoided during treatment frames to ensure optimal results. Facial or other chemical exfoliation treatments include microdermabrasion should be avoided.

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